Later this month marks International Men’s Day and the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) is facilitating an ‘Open Doors Day’ with participating Scottish Men’s Sheds to afford the opportunity to reach a wide audience and raise awareness of what Sheds have to offer and potentially reach more men to encourage them to ‘Head to Shed’!
Participating Scottish Men’s Sheds will all open on International Men’s Day (IMD) – a global awareness day which takes place on the 19th November each year to celebrate and recognise the positive value that men bring to the world, their families and communities. And, what better way to mark this occasion than encourage our Scottish communities to come along to find out more about their local Men’s Shed and the potential to really improve the quality of life of men.
SMSA CEO Jason Schroeder said: “Each year on IMD, we celebrate the lives of men and boys. Men who run and are members of Scottish Men’s Sheds are all volunteers and we must recognise their achievements and the contributions they are making to our society. The SMSA – the national support hub for 200+ Scottish Shed groups and Scotland’s largest member-led men’s health and wellbeing charity – has just marked its 10-year anniversary and this year, we wanted to launch something new for IMD to reach more men and also spread the word about all things Men’s Shed.
“With the Shed doors swung wide open, this is an opportunity to raise the profile of Sheds and the age 18+ model, show people around Shed premises, tell them all about what happens there, meet and talk to other members, see activities in action, highlight the health and wellbeing benefits and answer any questions they may have.
“Obviously the Shed’s have their own opening day and times and people can go along to check out the Shed but we are hoping with local and national promotion of this event, with support from media outlets, that we can get the word out to as many people as possible. This event has the potential to inform and inspire new, wide and varied audiences – for example invite local GP’s, social prescribers, businesses, politicians, charities etc along for group tours. We urge the public to come along – encourage a friend who has never heard about Men’s Sheds to come along and wives take along your husband for a look – and see a real Men’s Shed in action for yourselves. What have you got to lose?
“If this event is a success, it could even become an annual thing!”
For more information on Scottish Men’s Shed Open Doors Day and to view the list of participating Sheds and their opening times and offering on the 19th November 2024, please visit
Scottish Men’s Shed’s wishing to participate still have the opportunity to register their Shed’s details at
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