Citrus Energy partnership with the SMSA

The SMSA has partnered up with Citrus Energy Ltd to support its Shed Members to get the cheapest electricity deal for their Shed to help reduce costs and receive free, impartial and trustworthy energy advice.

Citrus for Sheds – an SMSA Shed Member benefit

  • reduce your Shed’s electricity costs
  • free and impartial energy advice
  • let Citrus deal with the switch from start to finish

PLEASE NOTE: This deal is not available to the public and only available for SMSA Shed Members through our business partner, Citrus Energy Ltd.

Paul Clark, Operations Manager at Citrus Energy at

Citrus Energy Ltd is a social enterprise set up to provide truly impartial advice regarding gas, electricity and water. They aim to reduce energy costs for other social enterprises, business, charities and individuals. Being a social enterprise means that unlike “typical” commercial energy brokers, they are not-for-profit and reinvest in the community, both in the savings they make and the employment they create.

What can Citrus do for Men’s Sheds?

Citrus has relationships with ALL UK business energy suppliers and will be able to source new prices at a better rate than you would as individual Sheds. They deal with everything on your behalf – from getting new contracts to dealing with any billing issues you may have, taking away the hassle and freeing your time.

What can Citrus do for you, your family and friends?

Their Lemon Aid and Citrus Switch teams helps those who need advice to reduce their energy costs and consumption at home. SMSA members, and their friends and family, can use these services to help with any energy related issues including finding out about financial aid that may be available to help with fuel debt, to checking which supplier would be best for them.

Citrus can help you:

  • reduce your gas, electricity and water costs
  • budget and provide energy management reports
  • deal with any issues you may have with suppliers presently
  • check you are on the correct rates of VAT and CCL
  • secure new prices and contracts
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