Impact/Benefits to Health and Wellbeing
Impact/Benefits to Health and Wellbeing
Impact/Benefits to Health and Wellbeing
Men’s Sheds can have a life-changing impact on the men that attend them and in turn this improves relationships within the family unit, friendships, peer groups and community as a whole. Men’s Sheds are a preventative male health and wellbeing model (effective engagement with a hard-to-reach group) to:
- Increase social contact
- Increase confidence
- Create and maintain meaningful friendships with a ‘shoulder to shoulder’ camaraderie focus
- Provide a friendly and welcoming space for whatever you need—fun, respite, relaxation and/or escape
- Become an active citizen in the community—a feeling of being a valued and respected member of the community
- Increase sense of purpose, belonging, trust and kindness
- Learn new or utilise skills
- Mentor others/share your skills and experience
In turn, this will:
- Reduce social isolation/loneliness – inclusive and supportive environment
- Reduce depression/anxiety
- Reduce the suicide rate
- Improve physical health – increased mobility, decrease in alcohol consumption and improved health knowledge
- Reduce breakdown of the family unit (e.g. divorce/separation, underfoot syndrome, domestic abuse)
- Improve the local community/environment – through the improvement of local buildings being utilised as Shed premises (some often derelict); the recycle, reuse, reclaim and repair ethos of Sheds; and reduction in items going to landfill
- Sustain traditional skills (e.g. wood carving, wood turning, metal and woodwork) through mentoring
- Provide savings to government and health authorities