Dumfries Men’s Shed
Dumfries Men’s Shed
Dumfries Men’s Shed (DMS) began back in 2014 when a small handful of local men who were aware of the Men`s Shed movement, that was spreading throughout our country, got together with the idea that perhaps, they could also start a Shed in Dumfries.
Without a doubt, Dumfries did need such a service as in fact all towns, cities do. They came together in agreement with those people that have set up Shed`s all over the world previously with the idea that men of any age would benefit from improved health and wellbeing if they were able to attend a Men`s Shed.
- Obtaining full ownership of new, larger premises on Friday 13th November, 2020. This was achieved via the Community Asset Transfer process from Dumfries & Galloway Council.
- Completing the move to new Shed premises, hampered by lockdown, over several months including furnishing and decorating most of the downstairs of the new property, which has been achieved by donations such as corner desks, extra chairs and some other furniture donated by the Dumfries & Galloway NHS. Board and thanks to a semi-retired decorator who is also a member.
- and he has done almost all of the painting of these downstairs rooms. He will also be carrying on in the near future with the painting of the upstairs section of our Shed which we hope to get decorated, furnished, and ready to open in the coming months which means we will then be using all of our 18 rooms (plus 3 bathrooms). We also do have a lift to take members between floors, that cannot manage the stairs for whatever reason, and once it is repaired it will be a great asset in the future when our upstairs level is ready to be opened. Without any hesitation though, our greatest achievement was on Monday 9th August, when we were finally able to open our new Shed`s doors to all of our members, the media and the wider Community in Dumfries. We had a great day, and were officially opened, revealing a wall plaque outside our front entrance by Emma Harper, M.S.P. , who kindly agreed to do the honours. It was great to finally let everyone come through our front door and see what we have been able to achieve plus what we can offer our members and the Community as a whole in the future. We were also visited on our Open Day by Jason Schroeder, the SMSA Executive Officer to have a look at our new premises and see how we were getting on!