What do you think of The Scottish Shedder Magazine?

The Scottish Shedder is the official magazine of the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA). The publication is sent out every second month to our member Sheds, individual members and subscribers. In addition to ‘Shed in the Spotlight’ and ‘Talking Sheds’, it features the latest news, events, projects, recipes, personal stories, health matters and opportunities relevant to Sheds in Scotland. The SMSA wants to hear what you think of the Shedder to ensure we are meeting the needs of our readers.

Name (you can remain anonymous if you prefer)
Are you a:(Required)

Is the content useful to you?(Required)

What are your preferred section(s)? (tick all that apply)(Required)
What do you think of the size of the publication?(Required)

What do you think about the design and layout of the Shedder magazine?(Required)

The Scottish Shedder is supplied in two digital formats – a pdf download and a flipbook version. How do you like to read your copy?(Required)

Do you have any experiences to share on how the Shedder has helped you and/or your Shed? (e.g. Partnership working with another Shed or organisation? A more efficient way of working? A project idea? A new activity?)
Do you wish for SMSA’s Communication & PR Officer to contact you regarding a story in a future issue? If so, please provide some details on the story and your contact details and we will be in touch.
Are there any improvements that could be made to the Shedder to meet the needs of our members and readers? If so, please provide your contact details below and we will be in touch.
Any additional comments? (e.g. the impact the Shedder has on you/your Shed?)
Please enter your email address if you wish to receive a confirmation email that your feedback has been received or want a member of the SMSA Team to contact you.