**PLEASE NOTE: This event has now passed**
Tuesday 5th October 2021
12.30 pm – 4.00 pm (on Microsoft Teams)
The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has been approached by Scottish Government’s Asset Transfer Policy Manager, Malcolm Cowie, to share information to Scottish Men’s Sheds about this upcoming national event.
This very important online meeting, hosted by the Scottish Government. is targeted at community groups with an interest in community asset transfer. Your Shed might be considering an asset transfer request; have already been through the process; or are just interested in learning more.
It is hoped that Tom Arthur MSP (Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth) will join for part of the event and there will also be presentations from those involved in asset transfers and a chance for you to interact and discuss experiences.
An agenda is currently being finalised and will be issued shortly. In the meantime, please save the date in your diary.
Joining Instructions:
Microsoft Teams
Join on your computer or mobile app:
Click here to join the meeting on the 5th October
Or call in (audio only):
+44 131 376 2847,,188197904# United Kingdom, Edinburgh
Phone Conference ID: 188 197 904#
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