I hoped you would be interested in getting involved in the Big Bike Revival which is a program of local cycling and bike related events running in May and June 2017. Our main aim is to get more people on bikes across Scotland and we need your help to make it happen.
The Big Bike Revival was a huge success last year…Just watch this wee video to see how much fun it was and to see what organisations did for their BBR events, or you can read about some of the events and people involved here. The programme is running again this year and if you would like to host an event (which we can give you up to £1,000 to run) then please read on!
Big Bike Revival
The Big Bike Revival in Scotland is an initiative to support the Scottish Government’s vision of 10% of journeys by bike by 2020. It aims to get more people cycling, which is the mission that sits at the core of Cycling UK, its members and the network of sustainable cycling groups that it supports.
The Big Bike Revival in Scotland will give organisations the tools to engage with the community and the funding to present opportunities for individuals to repair old bikes that have been lying in the shed for years, learn how to keep it serviceable and gain the confidence to make local journey by bike that replace trips typically made by motorised vehicles.
Want to get involved?
If you are a bike recycling centre, bike shop, cycling club or group, voluntary or community organisation we want to work with you to get people cycling!
We are looking for 100 organisations across Scotland to run a range of Big Bike Revival events and led cycle rides that engage locals during May and June – and we have small grants (£1000) to help you deliver:
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Opportunities to get bikes fixed, and people taught how to maintain them
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Events that showcase a range of bikes that meet different needs
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Cycle training to help people feel more confident to cycle on the road
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Led rides that help people find and use their local cycle paths and low traffic routes
It’s more fun with new friends!
If you are a cycle club or group why not link up with another local organisation and/or bike shop or recycling centre to help spread the love of cycling? We want to reach out to people that don’t cycle, so your activities must target people out with your group and focus on helping them undertake purposeful journeys e.g. to work, education, to the shops.
What next?
We’re getting ready to launch the Big Bike Revival in May, so get in touch and let us know you are interested in getting involved! We have dedicated Big Bike Revival Development Officers who can help you out with every step of the way.
If you don’t need a small grant but would still like to get involved please let us know as we have BBR events packs to send out to help you spread the word about your activities, as well as access to our extensive online communications.
For more information or an application form either call me (Ralph) 07887567934 or email ralph.jessop@cyclinguk.org
If you know of a group that might be interested, feel free to share this email!
Happy cycling!
Ralph Jessop
Big Bike Revival Cycle Development Officer
Cycling UK
Direct Line: 07887567934
Web: www.cyclinguk.org