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Free online Scottish author discussion for Scottish Shedders

**PLEASE NOTE: This event has now passed**

Men’s Shed Govan is organising a series of free, live, online discussions with Scottish authors exclusively for Shedders in Scotland!

Their first author is Glasgow’s award-winning, multi-million selling, crime fiction writer – Chris Brookmyre. Chris will be talking about his new book “The Cut”.

The first event will take place on Wednesday 10th March 2021 at 7-8pm on Zoom and is FREE TO ATTEND.


REGISTER FOR YOUR PLACE TODAY. Register early to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited. You will then be sent the Zoom link and any joining instructions.


The last 20 minutes of the evening are open to audience members asking questions directly to Chris. If you have a question for Chris, please email it to It cannot be guaranteed that everyone will get to ask their question but they aim to get through as many as possible.

Men’s Shed Govan is excited to be joining fellow Shedders from all over Scotland and look forward to meeting you all online!

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