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Funding still available for Scottish Men’s Sheds affected by the pandemic

Apply to the SMSA by the end of June 2021!


  • Has your Shed suffered financially due to the pandemic?
  • Are you struggling to pay your bills (rent, energy, insurance etc)?
  • Is your Shed facing permanent closure?
  • Are there costs that are stopping you from reopening?
  • Do you require vital training or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to reopen your doors?

Then, apply to the SMSA today for this emergency funding – secured by the Association from the Scottish Government to help Sheds in crisis as a result of the pandemic.

Funds still remain and this really is the last opportunity to apply for this pot of funds (by midnight on Wednesday 30th June 2021).

Scottish Sheds can apply by completing the short online form at the link below.

If you have any queries, please contact Jason Schroeder, SMSA Executive Officer.

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