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International Men’s Shed Week: 23-30 September!

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA), working collaboratively with the Australian Men’s Sheds Association (AMSA) is calling attention to the benefits of ‘mateship’ across the international Men’s Sheds community this Men’s Shed Week (23-30 September 2018).

This is the first time the two national associations are simultaneously promoting the awareness of Men’s Shed Week in both countries, Scotland and Australia.

“The benefits of Men’s Sheds are now recognised globally with thousands of Sheds established across every continent” said AMSA Executive Officer David Helmers.

Mateship is an important pillar of every Men’s Shed. First and foremost, the Shed is a place for men to be together with a group of like-minded mates.

Friendship, loyalty and camaraderie are highly valued in Men’s Sheds around the world, where Shedders are offered with a place to belong and contribute.

“Social isolation is a key contributing factor to poor health and wellbeing particularly in men whether they are unemployed, retired or have extra time on their hands. Men’s Sheds provide a place for men to connect and find purpose in a relaxed and interesting environment” said SMSA Executive Officer Jason Schroeder.

Men from all walks of life form very strong bonds within the Shed, many of whom would not have crossed paths if not for their participation in the Scottish Men’s Sheds community.

Last week, the largest ever gathering of Men’s Sheds was held in Cork, Ireland hosted by the Irish Men’s Sheds Association with almost 500 Shedders in attendance.

“Ireland is about 3 years ahead of Scotland in Men’s Shed development. We aim to hold the first Scottish Men’s Shed gathering in 2019. With now over 120 Shed groups across Scotland we feel the time is getting near to be able to host such an event” said Mr Schroeder.

Men’s Sheds are vital community investments delivering initiatives that foster community spirit and contribute to building a more inclusive Scotland.

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