Unforgotten Forces is a partnership of leading charities, including the SMSA, offering a doorway to camaraderie (and extra support if needed) for older members of the ex-service community in Scotland.
The Consortium would welcome participation from Men’s Sheds in the Unforgotten Forces autumn programme of events.
**PLEASE NOTE: This event has now passed**
Unforgotten Forces North of Scotland Day
Tuesday 28th September 2021
On the 28th September, the Consortium will be hosting an Unforgotten Forces North of Scotland Day. In the morning, the Scottish Older People’s Assembly will canvas older members of the ex-service community about what matters to them and the support they need in later life. The afternoon will be a conference for staff and volunteers from Unforgotten Forces partners. For confirmed programme and venue details, please email veteransproject@agescotland.org.uk.
Older Veterans Awareness Training
Thursday 30th September 2021
If your Shed would like to involve more older ex-servicemen but you don’t know where to start, you can join the online Older Veterans Awareness Training on Thursday 30th September 2021, 10am-12.30pm, click here to book.
Unforgotten Forces induction
Monday 4th October 2021
If you are veteran-aware but want to know how you can work with the Unforgotten Forces partnership to boost support for ex-service Shedders, you can join the Unforgotten Forces induction (also online) on Monday 4th October 2021, 10am-12.30pm, email veteransproject@agescotland.org.uk to book your place.
For more information on Unforgotten Forces, you can visit the website and follow on Facebook and Twitter.