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A.S. small dev. grants for Men’s Sheds now open!

Age Scotland’s small development grants programme for Men’s Sheds is now open.

They have up to 15 grants of £1000 each to award to Men’s Sheds in Scotland.

 Download link

Men’s Sheds Grants Leaflet, Autumn 2017

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 31st October 2017.

The Men’s Sheds Grants Programme is only open to Category 1 Age Scotland member groups and organisations.   Groups must:

  • Be a constituted voluntary organisation or community group
  • Have a bank account with at least 2 signatories
  • Have a committee/management structure and appropriate insurance cover for your ongoing activities.
Members may hold only one Age Scotland grant at any given time.
They will fund a variety of activities that enable sheds to get started and to operate. In the past they have provided funding support to sheds for the following items:
  • Start-up costs for new sheds
  • Training for volunteers and volunteer expenses
  • Transport for fact finding visits to meet with more established sheds
  • Tools, materials, machinery and equipment
  • Publicity materials and signage
  • Portacabins and storage units
They may also be able to assist with the purchase of tools and building materials to enable Shedders to carry out minor refurbishments of premises owned by the shed.
They are unable to help with on-going running costs such as rent, utility bills, and insurances, or legal fees and staff costs for building refurbishments.

Tim will be able to provide you with: an application form;  discuss your needs prior to making an application; and offer advice and assistance on completing the form. Please do not hesitate to contact him.


Tel:   01383 882151

Mobile: 07718 579 291

 Download link

Men’s Sheds Grants Leaflet, Autumn 2017

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