The ‘Scottish Men’s Shed of the Year’ awards, delivered by the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA), recognise and reward the contribution that Men’s Sheds make and raise awareness of their huge impact in today’s society.
Last year’s winner was Westhill & District Men’s Shed (pictured above) – the first-ever Scottish Men’s Shed which opened in 2013. David Thomson from the Shed said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive this prestigious title that recognises the achievements, over the last eight years, from our extremely active and committed Board of Trustees and members.
“We have grown significantly over the years and now welcome over 300 members through our doors—averaging nearly 100 member visits per week.”
Opens for applications: Friday 8th July 2022
Closed for applications: Sunday 18th September 2022 (Midnight)
Shortlist announced: Monday 10th October 2022
Open to public vote: Monday 10th October 2022
Closed to public vote: Sunday 30th October 2022 (Midnight)
Winner announced: SMSA AGM/Awards Event
Jason Schroeder, SMSA’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “The awards, now in their fourth year, celebrate and showcase the life-changing work being carried out in Men’s Sheds across Scotland. The Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement began back in 2009 and today, there are now over 200 Sheds and developing groups voluntarily engaging over 10,000+ men (aged 18 and over) across the nation. Men’s Sheds have a positive impact in supporting and improving men’s health and wellbeing and encouraging members to become actively engaged within their communities to reduce social isolation and loneliness.
“The awards not only afford the opportunity to hear all about the great things happening in Sheds – the camaraderie, projects and partnership working – but also highlight the challenges and barriers they are experiencing and how we can support them to thrive.”
Scottish Sheds – that are Shed Members of the national association – can apply via the SMSA website. Applications are now open until midnight on Sunday 18th September 2022. Shortlisted Sheds will be selected from all of the applications by SMSA’s Trustees through blind voting before going to a public vote from Monday 10th October 2022 until midnight on Sunday 30th October 2022.
The winner will receive the esteemed SMSA targe trophy to display at their Shed for a year. The winner and two runners-up will also receive mini replica targes to keep and an array of prizes from supporting organisations.