If you require hard copies of SMSA promotional materials (leaflets, posters etc), please contact our Administrator at admin@scottishmsa.org.uk
SMSA Promotional Posters (A4)
Pdf files to download, print and display at the Shed and at events.
If you require hard copies of SMSA promotional materials (leaflets, posters etc), please contact our Administrator at admin@scottishmsa.org.uk
Pdf files to download, print and display at the Shed and at events.
Become a member of the SMSA (A4 Poster)
The Smart Choice (A4 Poster)
Head to the Shed (A4 Poster)
Can you spot the veteran? (A4 Poster)
What do these men have in common? (A4 Poster)
Shed Network Meetings (A4 Poster)