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SMSA Annual General Meeting 2019

If you are a SMSA Member and/or a Shedder you are invited to an event we are holding at the wonderful and inspiring Carse of Gowrie Men’s Shed in Dundee.

The morning session will be an opportunity to hear from our partners and guest speakers about the benefits of the SMSA and Men’s Sheds.
The afternoon session we will be awarding the Scottish Men’s Shed of the Year award for the first time and our AGM.
New and old members we want to meet you and hear from you! We also hope we will have time to have a quick round robin update from all the Sheds attending.

Refreshments and lunch will be available at the event.

There are 250 tickets available, so if you are booking for the event please do make a day of it!

(click the link, ‘Get me My Ticket’ below.

As this is an Annual General Meeting single tickets need to be booked individually so we know who are members and who are not. If you are not already an individual member why not join before the day so you can vote and it’s free –

All TICKETS are available FREE through EVENTBRITE – Get me My Ticket

We look forward to seeing and hearing you soon!

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