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SMSA – ‘Meet the Shedders and Members’ Event – 17 November!


If you are a Shedder and/or a SMSA Member you are invited to an event we are holding at the Carse of Gowrie Men’s Shed, Dundee, 11am-3pm on the 17 November 2016.

The morning session will be an opportunity to hear what the SMSA is all about and an opportunity as Shedders to share your successes and frustrations you face in your Sheds.

We want to hear from you!

The afternoon session will be our second AGM where we shall share what we have been up to over the past year since the launch in Glasgow, how we are looking financially and where we are heading into 2017!

We would like to hear from our members what they feel is required of the SMSA in the supporting of the grassroots Scottish Men’s Shed Movement. If you cannot be there on the day, please send us an email with your thoughts.

If you would like to join us on this important day at the fantastic Carse of Gowrie Men’s Shed, please book your place and free ticket through the EventBrite link below before the 15th November.

There are only 30 tickets available, so please make sure you can make it for the whole event!

If you would like an event like this in your area please do let us know –

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