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SMSA Shed Member / Axminster DISCOUNT Agreement!

Good news is we now have an agreement with Axminster for our paid up Shed members to get a 5% discount.

Once we issue our paid up Shed members the code and you apply, Axminster create a new account record for the applying Shed. To that account they assign a discount which entitles most purchases through the Shed to a discount. The discount is a 5% discount applied to most products.

There are a couple of exceptions to that; Power tools, generally that would be mean anything branded: 
– Bosch 
– Makita 
– Festool 
– DeWalt

Products that are already on promotion are also excluded from the discount.

The discount does include all of their own branded products and machinery.

Each account will be setup with the named person on the form and that person will need to be responsible for placing orders.

Effectively the discount is provided for the ‘Shed’ rather than the ‘Shedders’, but naturally so long as the Shed are happy to manage orders from the Shedders, then those orders can be placed through the Shed.

So make sure you follow up on the email sent to your Shed contact people today and get registered.

Scottish Men’s Sheds Association – Supporting and Inspiring Scottish Men’s Sheds –

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