“The SMSA has been a wonderful support and a great centre of information and advice. Without the SMSA, it is safe to say, we and some other local Sheds would not exist without their help steering us in the right direction—through the obstacles and bureaucracy that is thrown at you especially when starting something new—and enabling us to become self-sufficient.”

“The Inverclyde Shed – a well-governed 100% volunteer-led membership organisation with over 440 members – has not got where it is today by existing in isolation. We thrive because we are part of meaningful and diverse networks that support what we do. We are proud to be part of the Scottish Men’s Shed Association’s network of over 200 Sheds all over Scotland. The focus on men is because men of certain ages can be statistically harder to reach but through the Shed Movement, we connect with others towards a mutual goal.”

“We became aware of the SMSA at this stage and formed our committee and then we received our SMSA Shed Members handbook which helped us out hugely with many things—and saved us reinventing the wheel— such as securing discounted insurance and gaining charitable status. The SMSA has been an excellent support—we have full admiration for the association and they are always there—it’s great to have them just a call, email or visit away if we need assistance.”

“It was good reading the end of year report from the SMSA and being able to put faces to names. You are all doing a great job and are very approachable and easy to work with.”

“In 2016, our village librarian saw an article regarding the rise of the Men’s Shed Movement in Scotland and contacted the SMSA. Without that first contact, I strongly believe that our Shed would not exist. Being Scotland-specific, Jason and his team had the knowledge and contacts to make things happen.”

“I wish to thank the SMSA for its assistance in helping to establish our Shed. From the outset, we were invited to a Shed Training Day where the process for establishing a successful Shed and the role of Trustees was clearly explained. As SMSA Shed Members, we are able to access the online library from which we receive the relevant documentation (constitution, health and safety policy etc) required to set up and run our Shed. Perhaps the greatest benefit is having a well-informed friendly voice at the end of a telephone when we need advice.”

“Our Shed joined the SMSA in 2016 and as a result, have enjoyed advantageous rates for insurance and general running costs; access to a wealth of contacts with other Sheds in the Borders and beyond; assistance with the establishment and promotion of Borders Shedfests; receipt of The Scottish Shedder newsletter advising us of activities in other Scottish Sheds and offering the chance of free promotion of our activities; and access to the SMSA website.”

“My husband had dementia and was involved with many groups before he died however as all of his working life he worked primarily with men, he loved the Men’s Shed most and always came away with a positive attitude. The SMSA is a wonderful Association and they deserve to be properly funded.”

“The SMSA is the guiding light to Men’s Sheds – two guys can have an idea to have a Shed and they tell you how to do it and very quickly that network can build itself into a Shed.”

“We value the support of SMSA who are a phone call or email away and The Scottish Shedder magazine and online resources are excellent. The insurance discounts are an area we also benefit from.”

“When trying to set up a Shed in my area, I contacted Jason who from the outset has been totally supportive in assisting me to set up the local Shed and still continues to offer support whilst building up the network.”

“Our original committee were new to the Movement and we are very grateful for the support and encouragement we received from SMSA. As members, we are able to access their comprehensive library of paperwork, procedures and resources, which is a vital part of any Shed and can be burdensome. This library made our set up much easier.”

“Through the provision of recreational facilities and engaging activities, Men’s Sheds serve as sanctuary’s. Our local Shed is a haven and stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when communities come together and are supported. I have to salute the people here – they are the architects of a brighter tomorrow.”