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Wishing you a festive cup of Tea



To celebrate the true spirit of Christmas, this year Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) have teamed up with Scottish Blend tea to deliver their Member Sheds across Scotland, a comforting cup of tea as the temperature starts to drop.

Embracing the festive season, Scottish Blend has gifted enough tea for the 106 SMSA Member Sheds to enjoy over 1,000 cups, along with tasty traditional shortbread – the perfect pair!

Jason Schroeder, SMSA Executive Officer: “The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association inspires and supports men to have happier and healthier lives by the creation of Men’s Sheds across Scotland. When one is in a Shed, surrounded by other purposeful men nothing is better than having a hot cup of tea to warm you up and keep the banter flowing. We are delighted to have collaborated with Scottish Blend to be able to supply our Shed Members one of the healthy ingredients for a successful Men’s Shed especially as the cold dark days are now with us across Scotland.”

The pyramid-shaped tea bags are 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified™ and specially blended for Scotland’s soft water, so you can kick back and enjoy its fresh, clear taste, with all the benefits of a calming brew.

Scottish Blend is pleased to collaborate with the SMSA given the importance of the Shed’s purpose in maintaining engagement and a sense of community amongst men in Scotland, in what can be a lonely time of year for some.

Seasons Greetings and Happy Hogmanay

from all of us at the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association

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