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A Personal Story: Rod Ainsworth

When the SMSA received a letter from Rodney (Rod) Ainsworth (pictured above far right), 80 years young from Lossiemouth Men’s Shed, expressing how much he enjoyed being part of the SMSA and the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement following his retirement from the fire service and moving to Scotland, we had to share his story…

Rod said: “I had spent many years working and living outside the UK and then four years ago, I made the decision to retire from the fire service. I wanted to leave the place I was living in Canada, near Niagra Falls, and return and settle back down somewhere in the UK.

“I made a list of all of the requirements I wanted the place to meet. After a perusal of many places that came near to my list, I finally found Lossiemouth! Not only did it meet all of my list requirements, but it also provided a few bonus extras. Therefore, Lossiemouth it was!

“For those who don’t know  Lossiemouth, it is in the far North East of Scotland and located approximately half way between Inverness and Aberdeen, and very near the historic town of Elgin. It is a seaside town popular with tourists and hosts two caravan camping sites and a beautiful harbour and marina.

“On arrival in Lossiemouth, everything was new and exciting to me—but having grown up and worked in Yorkshire, before moving for work abroad—you will appreciate, I was still somewhat at a loss living here. Things were so different and one of the main things I had to adjust to was the Scottish accent.

“Fortunately, I was blessed with wonderful neighbours who helped, advised and guided me through everyday life and, it was through them that I found out about the Men’s Shed.

“The Shed has been the most spectacular thing that has ever happened to me. They invited me into their community and through their meetings, chats and general get-togethers, I have opened an entirely new chapter in my retirement.

“I have made so many new great friends and am developing new skills such as wood turning! We have outings to other Sheds in the area, visits to local places of interest and visiting speakers capable of enlightening us on many different topics, particularly men’s health issues.

“Through the Shed, I have also become more aware of our community which has broadened my scope of living. I now have a bus pass and am informed of local events, such as the Highland Games and have joined the local rowing club. I also take part in Christmas Fairs and Charity Fun Days etc.

“I’m 80 now, but feel about 50 in the head! Maybe I should slow down a bit, but hey ho, maybe not! I am enjoying everything that life has to offer right now. My life has been enriched beyond anything I could ever have imagined or wished for. I can truly say that the Shed has brought me a new and exciting era.

“I have found that everyone at the Shed has a unique background, and we all have stories we can tell. This is what makes it so interesting and the companionship is fantastic. I recommend to any gentleman with time on their hands or feeling a bit lonely, living on their own, or just getting under the wife’s feet a bit—go down to your nearest Shed, take part, enjoy the blether, learn something new or just put the kettle on!

“I guarantee you will enjoy the experience. It’s all free, and there are no rules for you to attend at certain times, you just go when you want and take part if you want to. It’s your choice! And, it’s a healthy choice!

“I hope by sharing my experience with others that it even encourages one more person to join the wonderful association which is the SMSA and connect with your local Shed. Don’t sit at home in front of the telly. Head to the Shed—you certainly won’t regret it!”

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