The Scottish Men’s Shed Association (SMSA) was launched in November 2015 with the aim of helping new and existing groups to set up and run a Men’s Shed in their local community. We are here to give a helping hand to anyone looking for assistance or more information on what it means to develop and run a Men’s Shed. Check out our animation, ‘What is the SMSA and what do we do across Scotland’.
The SMSA website contains a wealth of information that we hope will be useful to assist volunteers to develop plans for a local Shed, speak to the right people about funding and premises and how to approach people with your ideas for your Shed. You will see what worked in the past for other groups – to save reinventing the wheel – and be informed of the facts and the figures to provide to potential funders and partners to make the strongest case you can for a Shed in your community.
We are not here to tell you how to run your Shed or what you can and cannot do with your volunteers or community groups, we are simply here to give you as much help and guidance as we can, drawing on our experience setting up and running Sheds in Scotland to make yours operate as smoothly as possible.
Individual Membership
If you are a supporter of Scottish Men’s Sheds and live in Scotland join us today and receive in the post your very stylish Scottish Men’s Sheds Association membership pin and a welcome pack – all completely FREE!
Please click here to become an individual member online, which as we have said is completely free. You will also receive our bi-monthly magazine, ‘The Scottish Shedder’ straight to your inbox. So you must become a member first, we will process your application and email you back letting you know you have been accepted and can now Log In. It’s as easy as that and we look forward to connecting with you!
Men’s Shed or a Shed Developing Group Membership
If you are a Men’s Shed or a Developing Shed Group then there is another type of membership option. This option supports you from the beginning of an idea to getting the keys to your Shed and remaining legal and sustainable. It attracts an annual paid membership of £25 per Shed or Shed Developing group. Yes, only £25!
Your SMSA Shed Membership: Shed Membership to SMSA needs to comply with the aims and purposes of the SMSA Constitution, Terms and Conditions and being by definition in name a ‘Men’s Shed’, is therefore entitled to the full benefits of membership including all available SMSA partner benefits.
The FULL Shed Member benefits are listed here. And here are a list of our terms and conditions.
Cost per Shed – £25 per year.