New animation: What is the SMSA and what do we do across Scotland?

Men’s Sheds are set up by and run by volunteers but who supports those volunteers in our Scottish communities? 

This is where the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) and their latest awareness-raising animation comes in.

The SMSA’s latest animation, ‘What does the SMSA do across Scotland?’ 

Men’s Shed members and trustees are all volunteers and these volunteers require someone at the end of the phone or an email or to meet with them one-to-one to take the time to provide Shed-specific information, advice, resources and tools to support them and save them reinventing the wheel.

Over the last nine years, since the SMSA’s inception, the Association has been ‘In Scotland For Scotland’, and not affiliated with any other organisations, to support volunteers in their local towns and communities along this development pathway to grow the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement to what it is today—whether their Shed is fully open, just developing or a group of men wanting to chat about an embryonic idea for their community.

SMSA CEO Jason Schroeder said: “This animation and raising awareness of what we do across Scotland to garner financial support is key to our strategies and brings us closer to achieving our vision to have a Men’s Shed in every single town and city in Scotland to reach all men over the age of 18 living in Scotland so that they are better informed of the support we can provide them and to maximise their use of it.

“The animation is a useful tool when reaching out to partner organisations and grant supporters/funders to fully explain the vital work we do to keep the Movement thriving. Across the globe, there are 3,000+ Men’s Shed groups across 16 countries all supported by a national body similar to the SMSA and the successful Scottish model is now being replicated by other countries—which we are humbled by and immensely proud of.

“The SMSA team is just a call, a click or a trip away from delivering tailored advice to save any duplication of effort at every stage of the Shed journey. We are just a small team but with a big job to do and strive to provide a wide range of services including Shed visits, online support, a comprehensive website filled with all the information from starting up a Men’s Shed to becoming a sustainable Shed, a members’ database, online members’ resource library, Shed Network meetings across ten regions and national events and gatherings.”

“In addition to this, our charity also provides Shed membership benefits with discounts from our partner organisations, mediation services, a ‘Find a Shed’ map for potential Shedders to find the Shed closest to them, and regular updates relevant to Scottish Men’s Sheds through The Scottish Shedder magazine, Shedloads of Opportunities Bulletin, email communications and our popular social media channels.

“As a focused men’s health and wellbeing charity, we support thousands of our members and hundreds of open and developing Men’s Shed groups. We are here to inspire and support volunteers and through our work, the chances are that we will have the solution to your problem or challenge. We will continue to focus on men’s health in Scotland and do our bit in creating a healthy and thriving country.”

Help change our Scottish communities for the better and improve men’s lives through Men’s Sheds by liking and sharing this new animation with your networks to help more volunteers succeed on their Shed development pathway.

Please share these awareness-raising animations widely with your networks.

SUBSCRIBE TO SMSA’S YOU TUBE CHANNEL to not miss out on any of our creative content.

Men’s Sheds aren’t just for the retired you know…

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA), the national support hub for Men’s Sheds across Scotland, has launched its latest animation to attempt to break down misconceptions that this successful health and wellbeing pathway is just for the retired.

In the one-minute film, viewers get to meet Bob, a 32-year-old busy professional who is finding life just a little bit dull before stumbling across his local Men’s Shed and finds connection, community and camaraderie to recharge his life.

SMSA Chief Executive Officer Jason Schroeder said: “Our latest animation is a simple key message to promote widely that Men’s Sheds are for all men, from all walks of life, aged 18 or over and that life shouldn’t just be all work and no play for today’s working man.

“Many believe that Men’s Sheds are just for older, retired men but that simply is not the case and we are striving to break down these perceptions. With over 202 Men’s Sheds groups – open or developing – across Scotland, many are thriving with intergenerational bonds and projects working with local schools, colleges, universities and nurseries. Men, young and old, are coming together in a welcoming environment to learn from and mentor each other and pass on traditional and new skills but most importantly make friends and have some fun. It is a win-win situation for all.

“Over the years, Sheds have evolved to offer a wide variety of activities to attract younger Shedders – and not just focus on the workshop – including music/bands, arts and crafts, 3D printing, sport, day outings and much, much more. We hope that this latest film will encourage men to use our ‘Find a Shed’ map to search for their nearest Shed and go check it out and see if it is for them. After all, what have they got to lose?”

The ‘Meet Bob’ animation, available to view on the SMSA You Tube channel, is the latest in a series of animations from the Association designed to raise awareness of men’s health matters and all Men’s Sheds have to offer. In late 2022, the SMSA launched ‘The Three Amigos’ which focuses in on men’s sex lives and toilet habits to draw attention to possible health issues men can experience like the changes in the hidden ‘third nut’, the prostate gland. Whilst, the ‘Guitar Mike’ film promoted that men do open up and talk about health matters in Sheds which can be life-saving.


Men’s health animation promotes keeping the ‘three nuts’ healthy

Men’s health animation promotes keeping the ‘three nuts’ healthy

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has launched the second in a series of men’s health animations with the latest encouraging men to keep a check on their ‘three nuts’ and to take quick action if they experience any changes.

The three-minute animation entitled ‘The Three Amigos’ focuses in on men’s sex lives and toilet habits to draw attention to possible health issues men can experience like the changes in the hidden ‘third nut’, the prostate gland, which is usually the size and shape of a walnut inside the body.

The prostate can enlarge as we get older causing peeing habits to change and can also become cancerous. The characters and theme aim to attract men of all ages to watch and learn in an educational, entertaining and informal way. The animation features different thematic scenes as the organs have their own very unique characters, ‘The Three Amigos’, medical information and the benefits of attending a Scottish Men’s Shed.

SMSA Founder and Chief Executive Officer Jason Schroeder said: “We are extremely proud of how the national association has a targeted educational health element to the services we provide and how we work in co-production with our partners to promote their specialised services. We also worked with various Scottish Shedders who had experienced prostate cancer and Prostate Scotland who deliver awareness raising presentations in the Sheds. We were very lucky to get the famous and much-loved Scottish actor Ron Emslie while he was performing the one man show, Man Shed at the Edinburgh Fringe to do the voice over which is so important in this type of media.

“Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and as we age, the risk of developing this type of cancer increases significantly however it can also still affect younger men too. Through this latest short film, we aim to raise awareness of the symptoms for men to look out for and to talk to their GP’s, fellow Shed members and nearest and dearest, and to not suffer in silence which can often be the case with some men.

“The Men’s Shed environment is a welcoming and friendly place where men come together socially and feel safe enough to have these conversations amongst themselves. Shed members will often find that there are other men who have been through the same journey as them and can offer unique and invaluable advice and support. Early detection is key and this is one of the most successfully treatable cancers. Through this film, we aim to educate and inform, encourage men to talk and reach out for support and ultimately, save lives.”

Watch the film on the SMSA You Tube channel at and head to the Shed today – find your local Shed at

New animation promotes that ‘men do talk’ in Men’s Sheds

Men don’t talk – that is the perception anyway. Some men struggle to open up about their feelings, experiences, struggles and health matters but the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) is quashing this theory by launching the first in a series of animations to promote that men do open up and talk in Scottish Men’s Sheds.

SMSA CEO Jason Schroeder said: “We are producing these animations to educate and inform on the range of benefits that Men’s Sheds can bring to men’s health and wellbeing. The first animation promotes men coming together in a safe space and opening up to talk ‘shoulder to shoulder’ including sharing health matters that may be concerning them.”

The short animation, based on a true story from a Scottish Shed member, features ‘Guitar Mike’ chatting with his Shedder pal over a cuppa when he mentions that he saw him limping. Mike tells him about a painful lump he had found above his knee and Charlie advises him not to wait around and get to the doctors sharpish. Mike did just that and it was only a matter of days before Mike was having a cancerous growth removed. 

The real ‘Guitar Mike’, Mike Mowat from Glenrothes Men’s Shed, said: “Many men do not open up about their feelings and end up keeping everything to themselves. Men’s Sheds offer a friendly, safe and welcoming environment to make friends and socialise.  I felt comfortable to share my health problems and talk to Charlie and I am now so glad that I did. I am delighted that my story is being shared – if my experience encourages just one person to seek help before it’s too late then it will not be in vain.”

Scottish actor Billy Mack, who does the voiceover for Charlie in the film, said: “I never really knew much about Men’s Sheds until doing a rehearsed reading of a play by Clare Prenton entitled ‘Men Don’t Talk’. We, as a cast, were taken to a local Shed and introduced to the members and talked with them. As soon as I got home, I looked for my local branch but unfortunately there isn’t one in Stirling as yet. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we have one – they are a great way of building friendships and learning different skills but, above all, a place for people to talk about life and issues that may affect them. All villages, towns and cities should have one!”

The SMSA was formed in 2014 to provide support, information, advice and resources to its Shed Members and 3,000+ Individual Members. Today, there are over 200 open and developing Men’s Sheds groups across Scotland reaching 10,000+ men (aged 18 or over) through the Movement.

Check out the SMSA You Tube channel for more videos on the Men’s Sheds Movement in Scotland.

Head to the Shed today – find your local Shed at

Men’s Shed Debate in Scottish Parliament

Christine Grahame MSP brought another Men’s Shed debate to the Scottish Parliament chamber today (16th June 2022) to discuss and recognise the work that has gone into the production of the one-act play, ‘Men Don’t Talk’ and Men’s Sheds in general as a vital support for many in Scotland’s communities.

Jason Schroeder, SMSA Chief Executive Officer said: “The SMSA would like to thank Christine Grahame MSP and all the MSP’s who supported the motion and their ongoing support to us and the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement.

“A very important, at times frank, discussion around the issues of the lack of central government funding support and the ongoing community asset transfer challenges. Again, due to the amount of MSP support the session was extended another 30 minutes so all speakers had a chance to speak. This shows that there is real belief and support for this unique men’s health movement but so far not the monetary investment it requires to really thrive and be supported like in Ireland and Australia.

“I feel we have made a step, albeit a small one, in the right direction to support the Movement at this critical junction in the development of the Sheds.”

Audrey Nicoll MSP
Alexander Burnett MSP
David Torrance MSP
Maggie Chapman
Marie McNair MSP
Miles Briggs MSP
Paul McLennan MSP
Paul O’Kane MSP
Paul Sweeney MSP
Ruth Maguire SNP
Tom Arthur MSP

International Men’s Day Debate in Westminster

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) represents the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement across many sectors as well as through our Scottish Ministers in Westminster.

At the recent Westminster Hall Debate for International Men’s Day 2021 various Ministers shared the difficulties men and boys face in our modern society today. Men’s health is more than often being overlooked by governments but there are new organisations and movements which celebrate and support a healthy masculine role model emerging to rectify the negative toxic male stereotype we have inherited and Scottish Men’s Sheds is one of them. The Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement welcomes men over the age of 18 to join Men’s Sheds which can create a unique intergenerational experience for all involved to experience camaraderie with purpose in a ‘shoulder to shoulder’ mentoring way.

Margaret Ferrier, Independent MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West, recognised the vital work of the SMSA and her recent meeting with Jason Schroeder, SMSA Chief Executive Officer commended the enormous impact Men’s Sheds have on the wellbeing of men of all ages that attend in her speech. Margaret’s speech begins at 21.40 mins into the video (below).

Check out the Hansard (Official Report) here. Margaret’s speech prompted some of the Members that followed to also acknowledge Men’s Sheds including Mrs Maria Miller (MP for Basingstoke) and Gavin Newlands (MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire).

Check out the video below for the full debate that took place on Thursday 25th November 2021:

Men’s Sheds recognised at Voluntary Sector Hustings

Men’s Sheds don’t do politics in the Sheds but at the SMSA we work with all parties to support the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement.

With the upcoming election and launch of SMSA’s first-ever Manifesto (and issue of this publication to all candidates), it was excellent to hear a leader of a national party reference Men’s Sheds (St Andrews Men’s Shed) in his opening address at the recent SCVO Hustings event. The Movement is getting well established and to get this level of endorsement is a very positive and welcome sign after a very difficult year.

It was also encouraging to hear the leaders of the main Scottish political parties pledge their commitment to multi-year funding for the voluntary sector.

Read the full story here and watch the video below (the reference to Men’s Sheds is approximately 7 minutes in).  

Born to be mild – short film review

SMSA’s Executive Officer, Jason Schroeder, was contacted by BBC Radio Scotland to review a short film and bring his perspective on it to the ‘Sunday Morning with Connie McLaughlin’ show following his appearance on their programme last year.

The 15-minute film entitled ‘Born To Be Mild’ – which was shown as part of The Feel Good Film Festival – features a group of men who have what could be felt by some as ‘dull’ interests or pastimes but to them they are life-affirming, charming and heartfelt.

“The modern world is constantly speeding up. But not for the Dull Men’s Club – a group of men quite content with life’s more sedate pleasures. From photographing post boxes to collecting milk bottles, Born to be Mild is an uplifting celebration of finding joy in the very ordinary, and the perfect antidote to the stresses of modern life.”

You can also listen to Jason on the radio show (1 hour and 46 minutes in). Jason’s thoughts on it were, whether it is the Roundabout Appreciation Society, Letter Box Study Group, milk bottle or brick collecting – just do what makes you happy.  These men are seeking a purpose and a hobby, so why do it alone when you can enjoy both in a Scottish Men’s Shed ‘shoulder to shoulder’ whilst also supporting your health and wellbeing?  Find your local Shed today!

SMSA National Conference now on our You Tube Channel

If you missed the opportunity of the sold out Scottish Men’s Sheds Association national online conference on the 21st January 2021 you can now enjoy an edited version of the first half of the conference.

Big thanks for all the Sheds input, Tim Green (Age Scotland Men’s Shed Development Officer), Dr Dani Kelly (Glasgow Caledonian University), Maurice Corrie (Cross party Armed Forces & Veterans Chairman and MSP) and our SMSA Trustees.

Listen to how the Sheds have fared over the last 10 months of the Pandemic, our new Emergency Shed Funding, the ground breaking Pathfindr safe distancing assistant now available through the SMSA for free to all Scottish Men’s Shed members and lastly the latest status of the SMSA Reopening Shed Guidance.

#menssheds #menswellbeing #menshealth #scottishshedders

Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement debated in Scottish Parliament

Today (Thursday 18th February 2021) at 5.05pm, The Scottish Parliament debated on the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement during Members’ Business led by Maurice Corry MSP alongside four-minute speeches from Kenneth Gibson MSP, Rona McKay MSP, Stuart McMillan MSP and Christine Grahame MSP.

The debate is in reference to the ‘Scotland’s Men’s Sheds Movement’ motion (S5M-23991) lodged by Maurice Corry MSP on the 27th January 2021.

Watch the video below.