As part of the Scottish Government’s winter package funding to tackle social isolation and loneliness, the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has secured vital funds to support Men’s Sheds in crisis in Scotland.
The £30,000 emergency pot will assist Sheds, most severely affected by the pandemic, that are struggling with financial pressures and/or facing closure to ensure they are still here to support Shedders when they are able to safely open their doors once again.
Jason Schroeder, SMSA’s Executive Officer, said: “SMSA is delighted to have secured this crisis grant funding for Scottish Men’s Sheds through the Scottish Government. Covid-19 forced our Sheds to close temporarily, calling a halt to much of their fundraising activities and this is impacting heavily on their income generation. This fund will support new and existing Sheds, large and small, to cover core running costs to offset this lost income. We will aim to help those Sheds in crisis to give them the peace of mind to ensure they are still here in the future when Sheds will be needed most.
“A huge area of concern is how this pandemic has impacted on people’s health and wellbeing and we need to ensure the survival of our Sheds for when men can attend them again, hopefully in the spring time. This funding has the potential to do so much good. We will strive to stretch it as far and wide as we can to prevent any closures.”
The fund is now open for SMSA Shed Members (click here to join for free) to apply online through the Association. Sheds can apply for core running costs (e.g. rent, heat and light, insurance etc) to keep them open in the upcoming months. Priority will be made to Sheds with an unrestricted funds bank balance of less than £1,000.