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FAQs & Helpful Advice

Below is a list of ever-expanding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and helpful advice. Click on the + sign to expand the box and get the answers you need. Send us your questions, so we can include them here with the answers which will help others and us and keep checking back for updates.

There are four separate Men’s Sheds Associations who all work independently and are not affiliated in any way to each other. They are all based in different countries being Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For more info:

No, you don’t, unless you did not supply an email address on the hard-copy leaflet application form. Providing an email address allows you full access to our website and to receive our communications.  You will be emailed log-in details once we have processed your individual application. Once logged in you will have access to our Member Resource Library. A selection of categories with documents to read and download e.g SMSA Constitution, How to start a shed etc. is then available. You will also receive the Scottish Shedder Magazine direct to your inbox.

By becoming a FREE Individual Member of the SMSA, you are now a supporter of the SMSA charity and the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement. You will receive a welcome pack, promotional goodies and Membership lapel bin badge to wear proudly. You will also be added to our mailing list to receive our updates and a digital copy of The Scottish Shedder magazine straight to your inbox every two months.

SMSA Shed Membership is for new/developing Sheds (creating/have a steering group, in all levels of development) and for open Sheds. Member Sheds will be added to our mailing list to receive all of the latest news and ‘The Scottish Shedder’ magazine and also have full ‘log-in’ access (for two named Shed representatives) to the resources section of the SMSA website which contains a wealth of templates and documents to help your Shed on its journey and prevent reinventing the wheel. Membership costs £25 per year per Shed Group. 

Benefits include:

  • Shed Insurance at a SMSA discounted rate through our insurance partner, Greenwood Moreland Insurance.
  • Axminster Tools discounts.
  • Receive private access to the Australian Men’s Shed (AMSA) new two part interactive Men’s Shed Manual – Starting a Shed and Running a Shed.
  • Have two of your Shed members be editors to post your news and requests directly on our new Facebook Shed Member Forum. The place to share everything Shed.
  • Qualify for cheaper electricity through Citrus Energy
  • Discounted Health and Safety and machine maintenance with David Young Training
  • Tailored accounts package at a discounted rate from Thyme Accountants
  • Eligible to apply for up to £750 funding for inter-Shed visits through the Scottish Community Alliance’s Community Learning Exchange

These are just some of the benefits of becoming a paid-up Shed member of the SMSAwhich we have created for you. Your annual Shed fee will help us a lot with the costs in providing and posting out our free SMSA Membership pins to hundreds of our new members which we hope you have enjoyed receiving and wear with pride. We aim to continue to negotiate even more benefits for you and your Shed as we all grow together on this Shed journey. Thanks for your support!

Yes, they can. We know from experience that it will take all of us to support this grassroots movement become successful in our communities for the health and social inclusion of our men. Whether you wear your membership pin which starts a conversation and/or start a Shed in your local area, you are all part of its success. This joint SMSA membership is not to be confused with the aims and purpose of independent Scottish Men’s Sheds which are a 100% male health initiative.

Men’s Sheds have come about since the 1990’s to meet a gap in our communities for supportive, non-competitive, healthy places for men to meet.

At the SMSA, we believe that something special can happen when men work together ‘shoulder-ti-shoulder’ in a mutually supportive way. This special experience exists in women-only groups like the Scottish Women’s Institute too. Many people agree that a group’s dynamic changes when a member of the opposite gender joins the group. There is nothing wrong with that, but it does mean it has become something else from what it was intended for and wanted to be. Some Men’s Sheds have female members (often known as ‘community Sheds’) and some do not. Some have fully mixed sessions and some have days/sessions for men-only and women-only separately. Some women have started women-only Sheds (sometimes known as ‘She Sheds’ or ‘Hen Sheds’) as they see the value in single gender experiences.

We have also had shared with us that some female partners of male Shedders can feel less comfortable about their partner attending a mixed-gender shed. This opinion could be borne in mind when considering mixed-gender membership in your Sheds. We feel it’s important to hear everyone’s views.

Women are generally very supportive of Men’s Sheds and are happy to see their partner, son, father, Grandfather, brother, friend etc become happier in their lives, find a purpose and share new conversations when returning home.

In Barry Golding’s book, ‘The Men’s Shed Movement – The Company of Men (ISBN 9781612297873 – available here on Amazon), ‘While Men’s Sheds typically make a local decision whether to include women as participants (or not), and if so how to include them, it is widely acknowledged that women have played major roles in developing and championing many Sheds, the Movement, and national and state Shed associations.’ Many women have been the support ‘primer’ to get Men’s Sheds started in the world as they have seen the plight of ill health in our men. In Scotland, we have Jill Sowden in Aberdeenshire and Jo Hobbett in Fife who did just that and many of our SMSA members are female who are not about going to a Shed but supporting the movement for our men and future generations.

Remember that the Men’s Shed has been created to fill the large gap around men’s health and its focus remains solely on that. If you change the recipe and become a mixed Shed then you will have lost many of the original male health benefits and all that entails and become a community hobby shop which is not what a Men’s Shed is intended to be.

No. Men’s Sheds are for all men aged 18 or over with ‘time on their hands’. Whether it’s because your life has changed, you have a spare hour or are onshore for a few weeks etc. You can go along to the Shed just to chat and have a cuppa, or play board games, or read or use a computer. Arts & crafts, 3D printing and sport/exercise are also popular activities in some Sheds. The range of activities is as broad as the members’ interests.

If you want to learn a new skill or repair something you can usually find another Shedder to help you or give you advice. Alternatively, you may want to share your skills and experience and mentor other Shed members.

Yes. Most Shedders have had enough experiences of being told what to do or of having to meet tight deadlines throughout their careers. Autonomy (being in charge of yourself) is a very important part of the Men’s Shed ethos. Sheds are happier when people are doing things they enjoy and want to do willingly. It is for fun, it’s not a job!

It is important to stress that Men’s Sheds are not “a service provider” and do not “take referrals”. They are groups of local men, engaged in activities as equals and volunteers. Everyone using the shed is responsible for their own safety and their own actions.

Professionals like GP’s might use the term ‘social prescribing’ (an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing). Whilst, the SMSA and Sheds appreciate GP’s raising awareness of the Shed, it is important that the man visits the Shed because he wants to, not because he is told to. 

If a man wishes to attend a Shed with a carer or has a disability, we suggest one or both get in touch with the Shed committee/Shed supervisor before visiting to discuss this e.g. the level of disability and support required. Some Sheds might have one day a week which caters specifically for attendants with carers, it’s up to each local shed if they are willing and/or can support this in their Shed.

There is always a risk of injury in any environment using tools, particularly power tools and machinery like lathes etc, however, Scottish Men’s Sheds have very low accident rates thankfully. The Scottish Men’s Shed model incorporates a safety culture where responsibility is not just on the trustees (top down) or a nominated Shed H&S Supervisor but rather safety is the responsibility of everyone in the Shed

Watch the SMSA Health & Safety in Scottish Men’s Shed film here on YouTube.

Some Sheds ask members to sign a disclaimer – on joining and/or carrying out induction/training of tools, machinery and equipment – and undertake to only use tools which they are competent to use safely, take responsibility for their own safety and not cause a danger to others. Sheds as an alcohol and substance free environment, also reduces the risk of anyone being harmed and Sheds also adhere to the ‘no-one ever works alone’ (no lone working) principle.

Having a written document showing that you have assessed any hazards and taken steps to identify and reduce risks is vital. This is sometimes called a “Health & Safety Policy” or “Risk Assessment”. 

If someone does get hurt, you need to be able to show that you have taken careful and practical steps to reduce risks. You will find more information here. Also, Sheds require insurance and the SMSA has partnered up with our Shed Insurance Specialist to support your needs at a discounted rate. Yet another good reason to become a SMSA Shed/Development Group Member.

If you have a question which we haven’t answered here, why not contact the SMSA Team?