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First-ever UK & Ireland Men’s Shed Toolkit launched

Glasgow Caledonian University’s ‘Sheds for Sustainable Development Project’, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and partnered with the SMSA, has launched Men’s Sheds: A toolkit for the development and sustainability of Men’s Sheds in the UK and Ireland.

The toolkit provides easily accessible support and guidance where needed on a Shed journey and is split into two main sections.

Part 1 provides guidance to those thinking of starting a Men’s Shed or those in the development stages.

Part 2 is for Sheds that are already established who might be looking for advice and information e.g. how to overcome unexpected challenges.

The toolkit can also be a useful reference point for agencies supporting Sheds and at the back of the toolkit, there is a list of useful sources of information and support.

The toolkit is also available in the SMSA online resource library for individual members to access at any time.

The Men’s Sheds toolkit was written by Dr Danielle Kelly and Professor Artur Steiner, Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health of Glasgow Caledonian University. The SMSA is delighted to be involved in developing this guide for Sheds as part of this four-year partnership project.

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