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Introducing 12 Guitars!

As we start approaching a time when lockdown will hopefully be easing soon and we start to consider re-opening our Shed doors once again, you might be keen to take a look at this social enterprise that caught our eye.

12 Guitars—currently based in Govan, Glasgow and formed by Gerry Thorogood and Steve Plummer in April 2019 —is broadening its focus and reaching out across Scotland with an ambitious plan to help people in our society that need a musical boost!

12 Guitars receives donated guitars from a variety of sources, recycles/upcycles them and donates them to people who could not otherwise have access to a guitar or perhaps don’t have the resources to buy a guitar. They then provide guitar tuition both physically and online and also have some workshop facilities to service, repair and restring donated guitars.

SMSA has been liaising with the management team at 12 Guitars and they have some ambitious plans afoot and we wonder if there could be synergy between our two organisations?  SMSA and 12 Guitars are keen to hear from Sheds, Shedders and Movement supporters if there is an interest to optimise the musical talent across the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement.

Ken Morton, Director of 12 Guitars, said: “We are very excited about potentially working with the SMSA and Shedders across Scotland. We have many exciting plans in the pipeline including online ‘gig nights’ that could be broadcast to the Sheds. We are interested to hear if there is an interest in guitars, guitar maintenance, repairing guitars and even forming Shed bands—the possibilities of this partnership are endless.”

To give you an idea of the “Shed Bands” live event idea and concept, here is an article of a series of events that took place a few years ago, around the world, called “Weekend Warriors” where bands were formed and performed for fun and to “soft” audiences (friends and families mainly) at and a video to show how the idea works in general at 


SMSA and 12 Guitars are keen to hear your thoughts on this potential opportunity to learn new skills, help your communities through music and provide fun challenging musical events.

Please complete the online questionnaire at the link below to let us know your thoughts on this potential exciting collaboration.  Please respond by Friday 9th April 2021.

Complete the questionnaire online at

For more information on 12 Guitars, check out their website at, follow them on Facebook at and watch a short clip of them in action on You Tube at

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