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Men’s health animation promotes keeping the ‘three nuts’ healthy

Men’s health animation promotes keeping the ‘three nuts’ healthy

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has launched the second in a series of men’s health animations with the latest encouraging men to keep a check on their ‘three nuts’ and to take quick action if they experience any changes.

The three-minute animation entitled ‘The Three Amigos’ focuses in on men’s sex lives and toilet habits to draw attention to possible health issues men can experience like the changes in the hidden ‘third nut’, the prostate gland, which is usually the size and shape of a walnut inside the body.

The prostate can enlarge as we get older causing peeing habits to change and can also become cancerous. The characters and theme aim to attract men of all ages to watch and learn in an educational, entertaining and informal way. The animation features different thematic scenes as the organs have their own very unique characters, ‘The Three Amigos’, medical information and the benefits of attending a Scottish Men’s Shed.

SMSA Founder and Chief Executive Officer Jason Schroeder said: “We are extremely proud of how the national association has a targeted educational health element to the services we provide and how we work in co-production with our partners to promote their specialised services. We also worked with various Scottish Shedders who had experienced prostate cancer and Prostate Scotland who deliver awareness raising presentations in the Sheds. We were very lucky to get the famous and much-loved Scottish actor Ron Emslie while he was performing the one man show, Man Shed at the Edinburgh Fringe to do the voice over which is so important in this type of media.

“Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and as we age, the risk of developing this type of cancer increases significantly however it can also still affect younger men too. Through this latest short film, we aim to raise awareness of the symptoms for men to look out for and to talk to their GP’s, fellow Shed members and nearest and dearest, and to not suffer in silence which can often be the case with some men.

“The Men’s Shed environment is a welcoming and friendly place where men come together socially and feel safe enough to have these conversations amongst themselves. Shed members will often find that there are other men who have been through the same journey as them and can offer unique and invaluable advice and support. Early detection is key and this is one of the most successfully treatable cancers. Through this film, we aim to educate and inform, encourage men to talk and reach out for support and ultimately, save lives.”

Watch the film on the SMSA You Tube channel at and head to the Shed today – find your local Shed at

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