Following the recent release of Men’s Sheds in Scotland research from Glasgow Caledonian University on the health benefits of Sheds, Shedders may be thinking more about health awareness and education for their members. With this in mind, Prostate Scotland would like to let Shedders know about a new opportunity available for Sheds to raise awareness of prostate disease/cancer. Prostate Scotland can offer its new Zoom ToolBox Workshop to individual Sheds or Sheds coming together online.
A survey for Prostate Scotland found that just over 50% of the general public surveyed and only 1/3 of men over the age of 55 could name a symptom of prostate disease/cancer. Yet an enlarging prostate or Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects almost 1 in 2 men over the age of 50. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men in Scotland with a 1 in 10 lifetime risk of a man developing prostate cancer. Prostatitis can affect men from the age of 18 with it being most common between 30 and 50 years.
Interested in a Zoom Toolbox Workshop?
So why not get in touch with Mae Bell to find out more and organise a Zoom ToolBox Workshop? It will be well worth 30 minutes of your Shedders’ time! Contact Mae on 0131 603 8663 or mae.bell@prostatescotland.org.uk