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Request for SMSA Pathfindr Safe Distancing Assistants


The SMSA has been trialing the Pathfindr Safe Distancing Assistants in ten Scottish Men’s Sheds – made possible with funding from its partnership with the Scottish Community Alliance. Due to the success of this trial, the Association has now received full supported funding from The Scottish Government to roll this out to other interested Sheds across Scotland.

Moffat Men’s Shed demonstrates Pathfindr devices

Check out Moffat Men’s Shed’s video demonstrating the Pathfindr Safe Distancing Assistants in action at their workshop.

The clip (filmed before the second lockdown) shows this simple piece of kit – available for free to SMSA Shed Members – being used to assist with training and awareness of social distancing.

The device which can be worn around the neck or clipped on to clothing emits a short audible or vibrating alert when another wearer is detected within 2 metres, advising both wearers to check and increase their distance.

The range can be changed from its pre-configured 2m, as a result of revisions to the legislation. This effective piece of technology has no complicated set up, no software to install and no training.

If your Shed would like to request some devices from the SMSA for use when lockdown measures ease, please complete this short online form.

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