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Shed Movement Showcase In Our Scottish Schools


If you missed the webinar ‘Spotlight on Men’s Sheds: The Impact on Individuals and Communities’, now is your opportunity to watch the 90-minute recording, including presentations and films from the SMSA, The Inverclyde Shed and Dr Danielle Hutcheon from Glasgow Caledonian University here on You Tube.

Online Event – Tuesday 1st February 2022, 4.00pm – 5.30pm

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has been working in co-production with Education Scotland and our partner Glasgow Calendonian University to deliver this Men’s Sheds Movement Showcase event directly to Education and Community Learning and Development practitioners in our Scottish schools.

Jason Schroeder, SMSA Executive Officer, said: “This event is a first for the SMSA and a huge intergenerational opportunity to raise awareness of the impact and the range of health and wellbeing benefits that Men’s Sheds are delivering in our Scottish communities.” 

The event will feature:

  • a spotlight on the SMSA and Scottish Men’s Sheds – highlighting the impact on people and communities in the context of Community Learning and Development
  • showcase footage from the Inverclyde Shed to tell their story
  • guest speaker presentations from Jason Schroeder (SMSA Executive Officer) and Dr Danielle Hutcheon (Glasgow Caledonian University)
  • a Q&A session
  • an opportunity to explore and discuss potential intergenerational links and a way forward for Men’s Sheds to work together with schools for future generations

The target audience for this event is professionals within the education sector in Scotland and an invite has also been extended for representatives from Scottish Men’s Sheds to attend.

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