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SMSA Gathering 2024

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA), the charity held a national gathering and day conference including the SMSA AGM and ‘Scottish Men’s Shed of the Year’ Awards 2024 courtesy of Perth & Kinross Council on Friday 4th October 2024.

References from the event:

SMSA Event Evaluation Form

Please let the SMSA team know what you thought of our event and how we can improve to meet our members’ needs.

Name (you can remain anonymous if you want to):
Please select from the drop-down list below
Were there enough networking opportunities for you?(Required)

Did you enjoy the lunch and refreshments (if applicable)?(Required)

Please select from the drop-down list below
Please select from the drop-down list below
Please select from the drop-down list below
Will you take back the information you have learned and share with others in your Shed/organisation?(Required)

Would you attend a future SMSA event?(Required)

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