SMSA Safe Work Procedures Posters

Health and Safety is a priority in Men’s Sheds especially when working with certain types of machinery which can increase the risk of accidents. To help Shedders remain aware of these risks, we have a range of health and safety ‘machine’ posters for you to print out and we suggest laminating them so they can be wiped down and cleaned easily. Place near the relevant machinery so Shedders can check they are keeping themselves as safe as possible. Repetition creates habits over time and by seeing these images regularly we hope will help create positive outcomes in users behaviour.

Click here to download all 27 files (Zip file, 3.2Mb)

  1. Fixed Air Compressor
  2. Portable Air Compressor
  3. Blower Vacuum – Electric
  4. Buffing Machine
  5. Mill Drill
  6. Drill Press
  7. Bench Grinder
  8. Pedestal Grinder
  9. Manual Bending Rolls
  10. Metal Cutting Guillotine
  11. Metal Lathe
  12. Belt/Disc Sander Combo
  13. Disc Sander
  14. Abrasive Cut Off Saw
  15. Bandsaw
  16. Circular Bench Saw
  17. Cold Saw
  18. Compound Mitre Saw
  19. Power Hack Saw
  20. Radial Arm Saw
  21. Scroll Saw
  22. Spray Painting Plant
  23. Surface Planer
  24. Thicknesser
  25. ARC Welder
  26. Oxy-Fuel Gas Welding
  27. Wood Lathe
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