Reaching and supporting veterans in Scotland
The SMSA strives to reach the Armed Forces and Veterans community and Blue Light services (police, fire services, emergency responders, prison service) to provide support through the promotion of the ‘choice’ to access the Men’s Shed as an active transition model back into citizenship.
As a member of the Cross-Party Group for Armed Forces and Veterans Community and the Unforgotten Forces consortium, it has become clear that the SMSA needs to reach veterans who experience difficulty reintegrating into civilian life, are at risk of loneliness and social isolation and target personnel before they leave the services as a preventative health measure.
The Association aims to engage with veterans as part of an active and healthy pathway back into civilian life and reach out to older veterans to mitigate loneliness, boredom and social isolation.
The SMSA wishes to develop innovative ways of reaching male veterans and meet the following outcomes:
- Increased participation of veterans attending Men’s Sheds as an enjoyable activity leading to skills development, social inclusion, personal wellness and reintegration within their communities;
- Promote veteran employability and workforce re-integration benefits for veterans. Sheds can provide access to skills building, peer learning and teamwork opportunities as well as routine and a sense of purpose;
- Work in co-production with veterans’ third sector organisations, regimental associations, local authorities, Scottish Government, Third Sector Interfaces, cross-party groups, the Scottish Veteran Commissioner and the Ministry of Defence to support and reach veterans;
- Work with GPs, Community Link Workers and social prescribers to highlight Men’s Sheds as a healthy option for veterans;