SMSA Shed Member / Axminster DISCOUNT Agreement!

Good news is we now have an agreement with Axminster for our paid up Shed members to get a 5% discount.

Once we issue our paid up Shed members the code and you apply, Axminster create a new account record for the applying Shed. To that account they assign a discount which entitles most purchases through the Shed to a discount. The discount is a 5% discount applied to most products.

There are a couple of exceptions to that; Power tools, generally that would be mean anything branded: 
– Bosch 
– Makita 
– Festool 
– DeWalt

Products that are already on promotion are also excluded from the discount.

The discount does include all of their own branded products and machinery.

Each account will be setup with the named person on the form and that person will need to be responsible for placing orders.

Effectively the discount is provided for the ‘Shed’ rather than the ‘Shedders’, but naturally so long as the Shed are happy to manage orders from the Shedders, then those orders can be placed through the Shed.

So make sure you follow up on the email sent to your Shed contact people today and get registered.

Scottish Men’s Sheds Association – Supporting and Inspiring Scottish Men’s Sheds –

Health and Safety Executive – Welding Safety alert

Health and Safety Executive – Safety alert

Please be aware Shedders who are welding that a new safety alert has been posted.

There is new scientific evidence that exposure to all welding fume, including mild steel welding fume, can cause lung cancer because general ventilation does not achieve the necessary control.

There is also limited evidence linked to kidney cancer

Please see the complete alert and take the necessary precautions and preventions immediately.

Please pass on to all Shedders and your Shed board.

Thank you – Scottish Men’s Sheds Association

Click link for full details: 

Scottish Parliament debate Scottish Men’s Sheds

Motion debated,

That the Parliament recognises the important contribution that the Men’s Sheds movement makes to people’s wellbeing; notes that there are now sheds running or in development across the length and breadth of the country, including in Lauder, Galashiels, Peebles, Mayfield and Roslin; understands that the activities and groups vary from community to community but that, by and large, the sheds provide a meeting place for men to undertake activities in a friendly, supportive and social environment; believes that such groups can have a positive impact on men’s mental health and wellbeing by providing supportive groups that offer an opportunity for them to feel more able to open up about anything bothering them as well as helping them build positive ties in their community, and hopes that more sheds can continue to be established.

The Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government (Aileen Campbell) concluded by saying, ‘ I think that we all agree that men’s sheds are brilliant things. They are safe places in the hearts of our communities throughout Scotland, from Shetland to the Borders, that bring people together and enable people to support each other through friendship and trust. They are simple but impactful, and they tackle serious issues that vex Government and society, including wellbeing, mental health and loneliness, to name but a few.

Getting behind the men’s sheds movement is therefore in all our interests. That does not mean the Government alone; a partnership approach will be required. I am grateful for the support that the Government receives from Age Scotland, the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association and Glasgow Caledonian University, to name but a few organisations.

We can go further. I urge all our partners—local authorities, the third sector, the NHS and community workers—to get behind sheds so that we can all together play a role in developing and supporting that important initiative. Social prescribing is particularly important: with an ageing population, it is absolutely in all our interests. These simple projects help us to create the connected and resilient communities that contribute to the betterment and wellbeing of our country.

For the Men’s Sheds part of the full day of Parliaments debates download from the link below.

Scot Parliament Mens Shed debate 2019 cut version

Scottish Men’s Shed Research – first report

Glasgow Caledonian University is presently busy with a 3 year research project about Scottish Men’s Sheds sustainability and the health impacts on those men attending Men’s Sheds. Fifteen months into the research please find attached their first official output from the project. This is a short briefing report outlining the main sustainability and development challenges that Sheds are facing in Scotland, based on data collected.

Showing the increasing need of what the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association delivers on and why we need more investment and support in 2019 in this under represented male health movement.

Click to download

Men’s Sheds Sustainability Briefing Report – March 2019

New SCIO online charity application


The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) are currently testing an online application form if your Shed is in development and will become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

For the first time you can do it all online and not use the old postal system which will eventually be phased out. You can start your application by following this link:

The form includes instructions and links to their guidance. Any applications submitted online as part of this testing exercise will receive early attention from our case officers.

We would be very grateful for any feedback you have for us once you have finished submitting your application. Your feedback will help us to improve the form.

If you have any queries about the form, please contact or

Wishing you a festive cup of Tea



To celebrate the true spirit of Christmas, this year Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) have teamed up with Scottish Blend tea to deliver their Member Sheds across Scotland, a comforting cup of tea as the temperature starts to drop.

Embracing the festive season, Scottish Blend has gifted enough tea for the 106 SMSA Member Sheds to enjoy over 1,000 cups, along with tasty traditional shortbread – the perfect pair!

Jason Schroeder, SMSA Executive Officer: “The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association inspires and supports men to have happier and healthier lives by the creation of Men’s Sheds across Scotland. When one is in a Shed, surrounded by other purposeful men nothing is better than having a hot cup of tea to warm you up and keep the banter flowing. We are delighted to have collaborated with Scottish Blend to be able to supply our Shed Members one of the healthy ingredients for a successful Men’s Shed especially as the cold dark days are now with us across Scotland.”

The pyramid-shaped tea bags are 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified™ and specially blended for Scotland’s soft water, so you can kick back and enjoy its fresh, clear taste, with all the benefits of a calming brew.

Scottish Blend is pleased to collaborate with the SMSA given the importance of the Shed’s purpose in maintaining engagement and a sense of community amongst men in Scotland, in what can be a lonely time of year for some.

Seasons Greetings and Happy Hogmanay

from all of us at the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association

International Men’s Shed Week: 23-30 September!

The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA), working collaboratively with the Australian Men’s Sheds Association (AMSA) is calling attention to the benefits of ‘mateship’ across the international Men’s Sheds community this Men’s Shed Week (23-30 September 2018).

This is the first time the two national associations are simultaneously promoting the awareness of Men’s Shed Week in both countries, Scotland and Australia.

“The benefits of Men’s Sheds are now recognised globally with thousands of Sheds established across every continent” said AMSA Executive Officer David Helmers.

Mateship is an important pillar of every Men’s Shed. First and foremost, the Shed is a place for men to be together with a group of like-minded mates.

Friendship, loyalty and camaraderie are highly valued in Men’s Sheds around the world, where Shedders are offered with a place to belong and contribute.

“Social isolation is a key contributing factor to poor health and wellbeing particularly in men whether they are unemployed, retired or have extra time on their hands. Men’s Sheds provide a place for men to connect and find purpose in a relaxed and interesting environment” said SMSA Executive Officer Jason Schroeder.

Men from all walks of life form very strong bonds within the Shed, many of whom would not have crossed paths if not for their participation in the Scottish Men’s Sheds community.

Last week, the largest ever gathering of Men’s Sheds was held in Cork, Ireland hosted by the Irish Men’s Sheds Association with almost 500 Shedders in attendance.

“Ireland is about 3 years ahead of Scotland in Men’s Shed development. We aim to hold the first Scottish Men’s Shed gathering in 2019. With now over 120 Shed groups across Scotland we feel the time is getting near to be able to host such an event” said Mr Schroeder.

Men’s Sheds are vital community investments delivering initiatives that foster community spirit and contribute to building a more inclusive Scotland.

To find a Scottish Shed near you :

Updated GDPR Documents

At the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association, we’re committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your information. As part of that commitment, we recently updated our Privacy  and Cookie Policy to address the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

There’s nothing you need to do – you’re all set. But if you would like to know a bit more we do encourage you to take a look at the revised policy to see how we protect your information and your rights under the GDPR. Just click the above blue links to download the Policies.

Happy Shedding

Free tickets exchange- Gardening Scotland

Do you want a FREE ticket to Gardening Scotland this weekend?

In return we are looking for guys who know about Men’s Sheds and are willing to help us man our Scottish Men’s Sheds stall for a few hours and talk Sheds to the general public who stop by. Can be Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Enquiries to by Thursday 3pm. Please let us know what Shed you go to and if you are an individual member of the SMSA (which is FREE)? –…/     

SMSA Shed members – Road Trip to Learning

The SMSA are members of the Scottish Community Alliance which comprises of the countries leading community based networks. The Community Learning Exchange opportunity funds their partners members like our Shed Members to learn through the exchange of ideas and the sharing of common Solutions. You can apply for accommodation and travel costs.

After an SMSA Shed ‘upskilling’ presentation day in Saltcoats the men decided a road trip to visit Scotland’s first Men’s Shed at Westhill, Aberdeenshire would be a great opportunity to learn from the men running the oldest Scottish Men’s Shed. The next day they visited the Inverurie Men’s Shed which has a different set up and learnt from them as well.

Pictured here are the N Ayreshire, Garnock Valley Men’s Shed visiting Aberdeenshire’s Inverurie Men’s Shed. Lots of wisdom shared from the East coast where it all started as the West coast of Scotland gets their Sheds going.

Another benefit the SMSA offers our Shed members to get you up and running asap.

Has your Shed or Developing Group become a paid up member? – See all the benefits and click to join here