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Consultation Complete: SMSA Reopening Guidance for Scottish Sheds

In lockdown, the SMSA is still advising all Sheds to remain closed—until further guidance is issued from The Scottish Government.  The Association has taken this time to consult with its Shed members and partner organisations on its reopening guidance that it has been working on for several months.

The guidance (containing a 16-page document, risk assessment, new member registration form, shed visit rota, track and trace form and a cleaning checklist) provides advice and examples only for Men’s Sheds in Scotland on steps and safety measures in relation to Covid-19 to follow to safely reopen their doors again when the time is right.

SMSA wishes to thank everyone that took the time to respond to the consultation including our Shed members, Healthy Working Lives, Public Health Scotland, Age Scotland and the Scottish Government.  SMSA is now currently collating all of the feedback received and will revise the document accordingly.

This guidance is by no means definitive and is something that will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis over time.

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