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Men’s Shed Debate in Scottish Parliament

Christine Grahame MSP brought another Men’s Shed debate to the Scottish Parliament chamber today (16th June 2022) to discuss and recognise the work that has gone into the production of the one-act play, ‘Men Don’t Talk’ and Men’s Sheds in general as a vital support for many in Scotland’s communities.

Jason Schroeder, SMSA Chief Executive Officer said: “The SMSA would like to thank Christine Grahame MSP and all the MSP’s who supported the motion and their ongoing support to us and the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement.

“A very important, at times frank, discussion around the issues of the lack of central government funding support and the ongoing community asset transfer challenges. Again, due to the amount of MSP support the session was extended another 30 minutes so all speakers had a chance to speak. This shows that there is real belief and support for this unique men’s health movement but so far not the monetary investment it requires to really thrive and be supported like in Ireland and Australia.

“I feel we have made a step, albeit a small one, in the right direction to support the Movement at this critical junction in the development of the Sheds.”

Audrey Nicoll MSP
Alexander Burnett MSP
David Torrance MSP
Maggie Chapman
Marie McNair MSP
Miles Briggs MSP
Paul McLennan MSP
Paul O’Kane MSP
Paul Sweeney MSP
Ruth Maguire SNP
Tom Arthur MSP

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